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TRX All-in-One Suspension Training System

The TRX all-in-One System is the prime suspension trainer for full-body workouts. This system comes with a suspension trainer, a suspension anchor, a door anchor, and a getting-started guide. As well as being able to hold up 700lbs safely, adjusters to allow quick changes in your work out and comfortable hands and foot cradles to ramp up any routine.

Since the TRX system is light weight, this makes this a great and portable gym set for outdoor, indoor and on the go workout routines. With seven simple, functional movements to engaging every part of your body, the TRX system give a great enjoyable workout for your fitness journey.

With a 4.8 star ratting out of 5 and over 7000 reviews we see why the TRX system is a great choice for your home gym. Reviewing consumers reviews the TRX system is a compact and versatile piece of equipment great for storage. And because of its versatility the TRX is great for stretches and quick adjustments for an intense during your workouts. And being very durable The TRX system save you money in the long run.

With all these benefits we see why the TRX system is a great and reliable choice as an addition for your home gym.


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